Title: Data from: Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape DOI: 10.7923/s3mm-v098 Data, code and/or products within this dataset support the following manuscript: Manuscript Title: Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape Journal: Ecological Solutions and Evidence DOI: In Press Description/Abstract: These data include the abundance, emergence, and persistence of puncturevine (*Tribulus terrestris*), a harmful invasive species in Western North America. We mapped the demography and distribution of this plant in Boise, ID, United States in summer 2020. These data include both the mapped plots and puncturevine points as well as .csv files with spatial covariates related to puncturevine outbreaks. **Data Use** *License* [Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) *Recommended Citation* Caughlin TT, Clark M, Jochems LW, Kolarik N, Zaiats A, Hall C, Winiarski JM, Powers BF, Brabec MM, Hopping K. 2023. Data from: Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape [Data set]. University of Idaho. https://doi.org/10.7923/s3mm-v098 **Funding** US National Science Foundation and Idaho EPSCoR: OIA-1757324 Resource URL: https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/data-socio-ecological-interactions-promote-outbreaks-harmful-invasive-plant-urban-landscape Creator(s): 1. Full Name: T. Trevor Caughlin Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6752-2055 Affiliation(s): Biological Sciences, Boise State University 2. Full Name: Matthew Clark Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3217-1192 Affiliation(s): Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University 3. Full Name: Louis W. Jochems Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8788-0578 Affiliation(s): Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University 4. Full Name: Nick E. Kolarik Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0527-058X Affiliation(s): Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University 5. Full Name: Andrii Zaiats Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8978-4152 Affiliation(s): Biological Sciences, Boise State University 6. Full Name: Cody Hall Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Biological Sciences, Boise State University 7. Full Name: Jason M. Winiarski Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1452-6324 Affiliation(s): Biological Sciences, Boise State University 8. Full Name: Breanna F. Powers Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1288-2624 Affiliation(s): Biological Sciences, Boise State University 9. Full Name: Martha M. Brabec Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Boise 10. Full Name: Kelly Hopping Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0557-0526 Affiliation(s): Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University Other Contributor(s): 1. Full Name: Andrew Wright Child Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6666-0739 Affiliation(s): University of Idaho Role: data manager Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 1 NATURAL SCIENCES 1.5 Earth and related environmental sciences 1.6 Biological sciences 2 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2.7 Environmental engineering 5 SOCIAL SCIENCES 5.7 Social and economic geography Keywords/Tags: Tribulus terrestris (puncturevine), Tibulus, invasive species, urban ecology, environmental equity, transportation network, plant demography, species distribution model Resource Type General: Dataset Dates: NULL Date available for the public: 2023-05-10 Sizes: 18.4 MB Format(s): .csv, .geojson, .txt, .html, .md Version: NULL Funding References: Funder Name: US National Science Foundation and Idaho EPSCoR Award Number: OIA-1757324 Award Title: RII Track-1: Linking Genome to Phenome to Predict Adaptive Responses of Organisms to Changing Landscapes Award URI: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1757324 Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: Boise Idaho USA Geospatial Extent: Easting: -116.0981574 Westing: -116.3617523 Northing: 43.69428027 Southing: 43.51276958 Temporal Coverage: Start Data: 2020-05-22 End Date: 2020-10-17 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Trevor Caughlin Contact Email: trevorcaughlin@boisestate.edu Related Content: Peer Reviewed Manuscript-Ecological Solutions and Evidence | https://doi.org/### Data/Code Files: abundance_data.csv: The “abundance_data.csv” file includes a column for the plot id, titled, “id,” which can be matched to the “Abundance_plots.geojson” file. Other columns include “Bare Ground”, the number of Bare Ground pixels in a 30 m radius around each plot, “Count,” the number of flowering puncturevine plants in each plot, “block_id,” a spatial unit that represents a transect with many plots collected on a single day, “Betweenness,” a measure of connectivity on the street network, “plot_area,” the area of each plot in meters, “Acres,” the land area of the nearest property, “Total Value,” the assessed value of the nearest property in USD, and “street,” the name of the nearest street. Abundance_plots.geojson: The “Abundance_plots.geojson” file represents spatial data on the location of plots and transects used to generate the “abundance_data.csv” file. Abundance_points.geojson: The “Abundance_points.geojson” file represents the recorded location of individual puncturevine plants in plots. emergence_data.csv: The “emergence_data.csv” file includes a column for the plot id, titled “id,” which can be matched to the “id” column in the “Repeat_sampling_plots.geojson” file. Other columns include “Bare Ground”, the number of Bare Ground pixels in a 30 m radius around each plot, “Emergence,” whether a flowering puncturevine was recorded in a plot that previously had no record of flowering puncturevine, “block_id,” a spatial unit that represents a transect which was repeatedly walked during summer 2020, “Betweenness,” a measure of connectivity on the street network, “plot_area,” the area of each plot in meters, “Acres,” the land area of the nearest property, “Total Value,” the assessed value of the nearest property in USD, “street,” the name of the nearest street, “Time”, the recorded time a plot was measured, and “Time Factor,” a grouping variable to indicate weekly intervals of measurement. metadata.txt: Project discovery metadata in txt format persistence_data.csv: The “persistence_data.csv” file includes a column for the plot id, titled “id,” which can be matched to the “id” column in the “Repeat_sampling_plots.geojson” file. Other columns include “Bare Ground”, the number of Bare Ground pixels in a 30 m radius around each plot, “Persistence,” whether zero flowering puncturevines were recorded in a plot that previously had a record of flowering puncturevine, “block_id,” a spatial unit that represents a transect which was repeatedly walked during summer 2020, “Betweenness,” a measure of connectivity on the street network, “plot_area,” the area of each plot in meters, “Acres,” the land area of the nearest property, “Total Value,” the assessed value of the nearest property in USD, “street,” the name of the nearest street, “Time”, the recorded time a plot was measured, and “Time Factor,” a grouping variable to indicate weekly intervals of measurement. Readme.html: readme file descriptor in html format Readme.md: readme file descriptor in R markdown format Repeat_sampling_plots.geojson: The “Repeat_sampling_plots.geojson” file represents spatial data on the location of plots and transects used to generate the “persistence_data.csv” and “emergence_data.csv” files. Repeat_sampling_points.geojson: The “Repeat_sampling_points.geojson” file is spatial data on recorded puncturevine points associated with each plot at approximately weekly intervals. s3mm-v098.xml: project discovery metadata in xml format