Title: Framing a Decision Model for a Hyper-Localized Food, Energy, and Water Nexus in a Rural Community in India DOI: 10.7923/pk88-kr38 Description/Abstract: Lack of environmental monitoring poses barriers to management for food-energy-water nexus in many communities across the world. Local and traditional knowledge of stakeholders in the community can be key to framing the decision problem for adaptive management of these under-monitored hyper-localized FEW nexus in these communities. This research examined the usefulness of the InterACTWEL participatory framing tool for co-production of a conceptual adaptive management model for agricultural water systems in a hyper-localized FEW nexus system of a rural community – E. Palaguttapalli Gram Panchayat village in India. The presentation highlights some of the lessons learned in engaging the community for formulating the diverse elements of the decision problem, including co-production of problem scope, criteria, and models, necessary for generating adaptation plans. **Resource Use** *License* [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) *Recommended Citation* Babbar-Sebens, M., Tilt, J., Ramadas, M., Kolagani, N., & Shankari Naren, U. (2023). Framing a Decision Model for a Hyper-Localized Food, Energy, and Water Nexus in a Rural Community in India. University of Idaho. https://doi.org/10.7923/PK88-KR38 **Funding** Ministry of Education, India: PARC/2018-2019/P1080/SL National Science Foundation, EngageINFEWS Research Coordination Network: 1856059 Resource URL: https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/framing-decision-model-hyper-localized-food-energy-and-water-nexus-rural-community-india Creator(s): 1. Full Name: Meghna Babbar-Sebens Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8140-563X Affiliation(s): Oregon State University 2. Full Name: Jenna Tilt Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Oregon State University 3. Full Name: Meenu Ramadas Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5622-7269 Affiliation(s): Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneshwar, India 4. Full Name: Nagesh Kolagani Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Centurion University of Technology Management, India 5. Full Name: Uma Shankari Naren Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): E. Palaguttapalli Gram Panchayat Other Contributor(s): NULL Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 1 Natural sciences 1.5 Earth and related Environmental sciences water resources 4 Agricultural sciences 5 Social sciences 5.7 Social and economic geography 5.9 Other social sciences Interdisciplinary Keywords/Tags: Adaptation, Rural Water Management; Decision making; Planning and Management; Traditional Ecological Knowledge Resource Type General: Audiovisual Dates: 2023-04-12 Date available for the public: 2023-05-03 Sizes: 293.2 MB Format(s): mp4, txt, pdf Version: NULL Funding References: Government of India-Ministry of Education Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) project grant Award Number: SPARC/2018-2019/P1080/SL US National Science Foundation Award Number: 1856059 Award Title: INFEWS/T3 RCN: EngageINFEWS - A Research Coordination Network for Community and Stakeholder Engagement Critical to Food, Energy, and Water Systems Award URI: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1856059 Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: southern India Geospatial Extent: NULL Point Location(s): 79.06448947892493, 13.540725819586642 Temporal Coverage: Start Data: 2020-01-01 End Date: 2023-02-01 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Meghna Babbar-Sebens Contact Email: meghna@oregonstate.edu Related Content: NULL Data/Code Files: 2-BabbarSebens-Video.mp4: Video presentation 2-BabbarSebens-Metadata.txt: Metadata in readme.txt format 2-BabbarSebens-Slides.pdf: Slides utilized during presentation pk88-kr38.xml: Metadata in xml format